To my wife

by RoaringKittens

It's been a year since my surgery.

Thank you for being with me in the hospital. Thank you for standing up for me when my surgery was cancelled, and refusing to leave until they had rescheduled me for the following week.

Thank you for being there when I was in post-op, staying until 10pm, getting me ice packs and water, and chasing the nurse when I needed medication.

Thank you for caring for me in the hotel room, keeping an eye on me which helped me to feel safe, making me hot packs and tea, bringing me food, taking me for short walks.

Thank you for carrying all of our luggage when we flew back home, and for going back to work the next day.

Thank you for never being impatient with me, even when I was irritable due to pain and fatigue in the weeks I was healing.

Thank you for doing all of the household chores in the weeks that followed, and for bring in a housekeeper a couple of times to help both of us.

Thank you for getting groceries, making me picnic lunches, and getting me chocolate or ice cream if I needed a treat.

Thank you for supporting my physiotherapy, thank you for continuing to see the beauty in my changing body.

Thank you for marrying me. Love you.