My hubbie REALLY is my best friend

by juliehsd

Because who else would have cared for me like this

I have to tell you all about my hubbie and that men can really be surprising. First off I had my hysterectomy day after mother’s day. My hubbie knew I wanted 1 more baby (have 3 girls and 1 boy) but with the medical problems I have had and other factures we knew it was NOT possible and not the right thing to do. So for mother’s day he comes home with a new truck for me. Believe me that was the last thing I had expected to have got. He said he knew I was no longer able to be a “new mommy again so he wanted me to fill better. Than I was at the hospital for 4 days and not once did he leave my side, he made sure I always had my pain meds on time so not to wake up in pain. As well as every time I wanted to use the bathroom he would help me in and out of bed as well as help me. Even having a shower he was right there for me. Since I have been home he has continued to care for me and get me everything I need at any time. I just had to brag about him, father’s day is coming up and I want to really pay him back and make it great for him. So for any of you ladies who maybe are thinking you hubbie will be no help, well you never know!!