Dear Mike

by swandiver

Thank you so much for being with me every step of the way on this scary journey. I'm sure my face just have been a mask of total shock when I came out of the doctor's office about a year ago, saying, "I have to have a hysterectomy!"

From that point on, you accompanied me to every doctor meeting, sat in the waiting room for endless hours at times.

You were my eyes and ears and logical mind at my pre-op, writing down all the answers to the questions I had prepared.

Thank you for getting up so early with me when we had to drive an hour to the hospital pre-surgery. Thanks also for waiting with me before they took me into the OR and being there with me the whole day after surgery, even though I slept most of the time! BY the time you left that night, with an hour's drive home, I know you must have been exhausted.

Thanks for the lovely teacup of red roses and green carnations that sat up on the shelf with my cruise picture of Jenn and me.

Thank you for taking care of me once I got home, too -- getting me in and out of my binder and making sure my shower was okay. Your putting out my little cup of oatmeal and fruit for me to microwaver later when you went to work, along with my teabag meant the world to me. Sure, I could have done it myself, but it made me feel that I was totally loved to find them waiting for me in the morning.

My biggest thanks was getting me to the hospital at midnight 2 weeks later when I developed an infection -- even being pulled over by the police for the speed we were going. Cop sure was surprised when he looked in and saw Old Haggard Me in my Mickey Mouse pajama pants and "Kiss Me, Frog" night shirt!

Knowing you were with me that first night helped with the horrible times of them trying to get an IV into me, etc. And knowing that you slept in the room with me that night eased my mind, not only for my sake, but knowing you weren't driving back home at 2 AM!

My life has been a fuller, richer thing with you in it - too bad I had to wait 43 years before I re-met you and had sense enough to marry you this time!

With all my love, your Patt
TAH/BSO, fruit basket of fibroids gone!