Sharing my PITY PARTY/BLESSINGS with you

by *ForeverYoung*

This morning I woke up weepy and discouraged. I wrote and sent my husband this e-mail and cried most the way through it. Then, amazingly, I felt really was good therapy. There will be a few things you won't get, but, for the most part I thought some of you might relate. And just a side note...I have been on a meatloaf kick (and I hardly ever ate meatloaf before my surgery) and have made a ton of it!

Hi Sweetie,

You are invited to join me in my pity party...just for the moment.

For some reason I am weepy and I can't keep warm. My back seems like it is getting worse...not better. I got up more times than ever to pee last
night, and had a bad dream this morning. I want to feel rested just once and be free of pain just once. I can't answer our last "ask seller a question" without ripping open the package that was so painstakingly wrapped. I can't vacuum yet or clean with all this stuff around. I want to do something with you. I want all this stuff around everywhere just to go poof and I want the house to be clean when the boys come back from college. I want to NOT think about when I can eat next. I know I will hate meatloaf someday. I want the dog to stop shedding. I want to be free of a certain piece of property. I don't want the car to leak oil. I want to stop complaining. And I will.

Party's over. Thanks for letting me have it for a couple of minutes.

Blessing totally outweigh everything.

I have the most wonderful, hard-working husband in the world who loves me unconditionally and not only takes care of me...but puts up with me. I can pee on my own. I am thirty pounds lighter than 9 months ago. My back doesn't usually bug me too much during the day. Ibuprofen was invented. My surgery is behind me. I can sit by the heater and get warm. You will have the patience to unwrap the package...answer the question...and wrap it back up again. I can have the HOPE of doing something full time with you if God wills. I have a husband who will vacuum and never complain about it. I live in an incredible house and could just get rid of all this stuff in a day if I had to. I have a Tulsa trip "high" to look forward to. Both the boys get to come home for Thanksgiving and they don't care about the house. I have a low maintenance dog that is kinda nice to have around during the day and makes me get a little exercise every night. I like meatloaf. Um, maybe I love meatloaf. My husband seems to like it as much as me and not get tired of it. I love my husband. I have a Y membership. I have a hot tub with a new pretty green cover that I can easily lift myself. I have a
piece of property that is beautiful and still can make me dream about "some day" if it doesn't sell. It probably won't be long before we have
a different vehicle that doesn't leak oil, and the oil stains on the driveway will fade. I can count my blessings and name them one by one.
And I will.

Love you the most,
Your Sweetie

I know many of you are facing these everyday ups and downs, but it sure helps me to know I'm not the only one to go through these times. Even though it seems like I complain a lot...I will try to count my blessings...which far outweigh the complaints!