To my sweetie, again

by lulu69

Since I told you about my surgery you have been the kindest and most caring man. I want to thank you for being there for me - even though it was long distance. Your daily calls and emails (when you are not working) give me strength and brighten my day. The first time I heard your voice when you had a chance to call the hospital was so special - especially when you told me to behave and leave my medical training at home.

The first time we talked when I was home you made me laugh and you sounded so much more at ease. I love the idea that you may be back the weekend of my birthday. The idea of spending 3 days with you is a "life goal" I am striving for. I like the idea that you already have a "plan b" just incase you don't make it back that weekend.

I miss you everyday and you are always in my thoughts. Thank you so much for everything over these last 6-7 months, you a very special man and I so lucky to have you in my life.