To Morgan~My Lifemate

by sdtaylor101

You are so much more than a husband, lover or friend. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, I only lament I did not find you earlier in my life. It seems we have been together forever, this is how well we know each other, but in fact we have only had a short 9 years together. Because you are younger than me, I warned you before we married that something catasphrophic could happen. You brushed my fears aside and vowed to stand by me through good and bad, sickness and health. You have kept your promises to me. Things have not always been easy, and this illness that was such a brutal surprise, is by far the worst thing that has happened. Yet you are still by my side, helping me every step of the way, giving the hope to go on.

You are a shining example of how a lifemate should act, no, you are not perfect. Perfect would be boring and that wouldn't have held my interest for a moment. Still, if the built a monument to the perfect mate, they would have to model it after you.

Thank you my darling!